Thursday 25 August 2016

Users Bike a King in This Unique Apartment

The apartment building without parking facilities for cars is increasingly taken for granted,especially in the cities are densely populated with very limited land. And apartments withbicycle storage facility now also started mushrooming.

But Cykelehuset Ohboy! An apartment is located in Malmo, Sweden, has a new breakthrough: apartment building designed to support the needs of people who use bicycles as a means of transportation.

Apartment building is really unique. Every corner is designed to facilitate the residents of the apartment to bring the bike up into the unit.

And in fact, this is the first apartment in Sweden and built with no parking facilities. Rather than have a garage for bicycles - of course the location of parking outside the building -this apartment allows you to carry your bike up into the rooms of your apartment.

Clarence Eckerson Jr. from Streetfilms - an organization that educate environmentally friendly modes of transport, said that the apartment is still under construction, and is scheduled to begin inhabited at the end of this year.

"I like the concept. Wherever you want to bring your bike - into your apartment, into the elevator, through the main entrance of the apartment complex - is allowed. You can evenbring the bike up to the kitchen to lower your monthly groceries. "

For comparison, an apartment in the North American bicycle friendly once he is still a bit troublesome when carrying the bike into the elevator, abandoned dirt bike like soil or dustare also considered damaging walls and floors that require extra care.

Well, the apartment Cykelehuset Ohboy! designed by Hauschild + Siegel's all concretewalls that protected his finishing adjusted so friendly to bicycles.

The elevator to the apartment is also made larger, wider doors, and there are places to park and lock bikes throughout the building.

There are lessons to be drawn from the design of this apartment; note that there is a small lobby with access to the apartment unit to the bike path that has been provided andequipped with handrails that can be used to put the bike outside.

Cross ventilation design of these apartments also allows reducing even may eveneliminate the need to use air conditioning.

"This apartment also provides units with 2, 3, and even 4 bedrooms to accommodate the entire family. Yes, families that do not require a car, "said Eckerson.

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