Tuesday 23 August 2016

Myths About Colors Kids Bedroom

The color of the child's bedroom can certainly affect furniture and other details that you choose to decorate the room. Therefore before painting the room try to find the most appropriate color.

You may have heard that the color white is considered the color of dull, blue color will help the child to sleep better, and there are some colors that should not be combined.

However, if all the information that you get it right? Consider the myth that you often hear about the color of a child's bedroom and truth.

The soothing blue color

Yes, despite the fact that it depends on the shade you choose. Light blue or pale blue ideal for those who want a relaxed atmosphere so children feel comfortable while studying in his room.

Dark blue make a child's room feel smaller

Not always. If a child's room to get a lot of natural light and ceiling are left white, the room will not look cramped.

Pink may not be combined with orange

This idea is already stale. Pink and orange is the color combination of the unexpected. Combining these two colors can trigger positive energy and happiness of children.

Crimson make children often feel hungry

Red is a color that is full of energy and can increase appetite. But this is no reason to shy away from a deep red color. Paint the door of a room or a corner of a child's room with dark red color can warm up the room.

Room will look dull white

There is always a way to make a white room is not boring. It depends on other goods in it.

White room can be filled with furniture that is also white to make room remains simple, but seem more spacious. Can also use colorful furniture for children's rooms make the atmosphere more fun.

Black and white reduce indoor warmth

When used together, black and white can create the impression of high contrast and serious, so it is less fit to the color of the walls of children's rooms.

If you want to maintain a combination of black and white, consider bringing in a neutral color used furniture. This will help the child's room atmosphere remained relaxed.

The yellow color makes children easy to fall asleep

Sounds strange, but the yellow color can indeed stimulate the nervous system in the body and promotes relaxation. In addition, the color yellow brings joy in a child's bedroom.

This color is worth considering if you want the kids to get a good night's sleep.

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