Tuesday 23 August 2016

Ciputat So Location Favorite Developer Cheap Apartments in Indonesia

Ciputat, as one of the districts in South Tangerang, has its own advantages in the eyes of developers, especially for vertical housing.

Sofyan Muchlis, as the advertising and promotion of the developer Desindo Group revealed, Ciputat is seen as a gateway to South Tangerang city of Jakarta. This location continues to grow.

"Illicit found only complete facilities, infrastructure development in the region often have a better change. For example, only with the construction of the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), is likely to provide attractive investment potential, "said Sofyan.

One form of vertical residential apartments which are expected to provide good investment value is Citylight Apartment in Jalan IR. H. Juanda Ciputat.

According to Sofyan, representing the developers of apartments, with the construction of the MRT and access other transportation such as Transjakarta, could increase the capital gains (profits) to 9% per year.

"Especially with the addition of Transjakarta service Ciputat-HI Roundabout & BSD-Slipi this will be the catalyst workers to seek shelter near the locations of these offices," he explains.

"If during this time, Ciputat may be considered by workers in TB. Simatupang and Cilandak, but will be more varied, "he said.

As a strategic location and proximity to the location of offices, Apartment Citylight trying to provide as much as 2 vertical residential tower, the Princess Tower and Tower Intan.

Total of all units totaled 1,142, with three types, namely the type of studio, 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom.

The price offered is also relatively affordable, ranging from 300 million - 700 million.Where, according to Sofyan, the units are often targeted consumers are studios and one bedroom.

Based on observations Sofyan, lifestyle trends of workers in the capital chose layover occupancy that is not too big but still feel comfortable.

"Let the workers, studios and 1 bedroom also has the potential to be used as room rental business like boarding houses," said Sofyan.

"Therefore, the location of the apartment is not far from campus UIN. Distance from the apartment to the campus UIN adrift of 2.9 kilometers or about 14 minutes of travel time required, "he added.

What is expected Sofyan against Citylight Apartments project, seems to be filled with other vertical residential projects are already reaping success.

Bailey's City apartment, which is located approximately 1.9 kilometers of the apartments have already noticed an improvement Citylight good selling price.

In a project review Rumah.com, Apartment Bailey's City has increased the price, which the original price (January 2015) amounted to Rp280 million to Rp300 million in May 2016.

Speaking target market is quite similar to the second apartment, the workers and the majority of students. So that both developers seem to want a complete facility that is not owned by the boarding house around.

Both facilities such apartments have a swimming pool, commercial area, fitness center, smart card access, CCTV and Free WIFI. Thus, with the full facilities of the occupants more comfortable stay although for the time being only.

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