Tuesday, 23 August 2016

The apartment market Depressed, Developer Posting Strategies

At first glance the trail along the apartment market in Jakarta, this property type is growing quite rapidly since 2004.

But the global economic crisis of 2008 could make the supply and demand for apartments declined.

Then back in the apartment market is experiencing rapid growth - especially from 2011 to 2013.

A relatively high economic growth in the period (up to 6-7% per year) increase the income and purchasing power for both end users and investors.

But then came a barrage of pressure to the apartment sector. Call it the presidential election process in 2014 which made investors tend to wait and see, Bank Indonesia policies related to the rules KPA loans Loan to Value (LTV), and limit lending to investors (buyers of the 2nd and so on).

The decline in oil and gas prices and falling commodity prices are also continuing pressure on the property market.

Indonesia's economic condition that affected the world economy, has not increased until early 2016.

But fortunately the publication of new rules regarding the tax amnesty be a glimmer of hope for the property sector, which is the overflow of funds ready to be invested in various sectors, one of which was the apartment sector.

"Pressure on the apartment sector makes developers need a strategy to continue to market its products in Indonesia amid the economic slowdown," said Dani Indra, Vice President of Strategic Advisory Indonesia, Coldwell Banker Commercial Indonesia through a press release.

Not all apartments newly launched projects responded well by the market, so it takes a good strategy and the effect on higher sales.

Based on several factors that are considered to have an influence on the sales do correlation analysis to see which factors have the highest impact.

Critical success factors

After analyzing the correlation through an assessment of the project 10 apartments in the lower middle class, then according to Dani, there are five major factors that are considered the most influence on the sales success of the project.

Method of payment: Instalment without DP, 60x system paid to the developer, affordable monthly installments.

Promotion: Strengthening awareness is important, regularly appeared in the media such as TV or radio or in online media.

Development Reputation: Having a good image, a good track record, pick the other projects that are proven successes.

Masterplan & Future Prospect: Located in the area are well planned, have good regional facilities, and there are plans and transportation infrastructure in the future.

Price: the price per unit of interest dikisaran's 250-300 jt per unit, the price per m2 in 10-14jt.

Strategy forward

According to Dani, external factors are expected to affect the future performance of the apartment sector is as follows:

- Projected economic growth will tend to improve

- Tax Amnesty Program which is expected to be on target

- Construction of new infrastructure

- Financing through banking more affordable

- The growth in demand due to economic growth

- Lifestye or lifestyle stayed in the apartment rental market and improve the end user

Economic factors and infrastructure growth is expected to drive demand growth in the medium term.

While the program is expected to be micro Tax Amensty may affect the demand for apartments, especially in the classroom Medium to Upper.

It is estimated that strategy developers will still tend to work on the lower middle class apartment, which is still in demand by the market.

"While the forecast will be increased demand for apartments in the middle to upper class that is affected by the Tax Amnesty program, then the developer would anticipate with the launch of products included in the class," added Dani.

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